For those who are interested, sales are going on for all platforms. If you missed last week’s edition, here it is. The Wii U lives! It’s getting Captain U this week. Pixel Game Maker Series CHAM THE CAT ADVENTURE.

With Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition making its way to Switch, I implore Nintendo to get in touch with Mistwalker to make a THE LAST STORY - HD- happen. It has an amazing soundtrack by Nobuo Uematsu as well. Escape from Mirrorland~The Adventures of Nyanzou&Kumakichi: Escape Game Series~ The severs are sadly gone now, gone along with the rest of the Wii wi-fi connect, though the game itself remains a single player RPG.Nintendo Download: The Wii U gets one game minor celebration week The players will explore secret filled locations scattered across Lazulis Island, the heart of a human empire and scene of an unfolding drama that will bring hostilities between two. The Wii U hosts Captain U, and it technically still lives on as an active eShop in Nintendo’s portfolio. The Last Story WII ISO Download Take charge of a band of mercenaries and journey with them into an epic and cinematic adventure in The Last Story WII ISO for Wii. You can tease me with Last Story and Xenoblade but you cant trick me into. Zael and his fellow mercenaries will face terrible threats in a title with constant action. More bad news by Share: Japanese RPGs and Wii consoles are like Superman and. Instead, Nintendo is pointing out the various winter events going on, mostly in Rocket League and Fortnite (which are both owned by Epic), as well as Garden Story and Crozy Grove updates. The Last Story is an action-RPG game on Wii. So amid the Christmas madness, there actually isn’t a marquee eShop game this week.